Computer Science Illuminated 8/e (Includes Navigate Advantage Access)+作者:
2025 年8 版
Jones & Bartlett
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讀者購書請至★滄海書局‧鼎隆圖書購書網 ★★
As always when planning a revision, we asked our colleagues, including many current users of the text, to give us feedback. We appreciate the many thoughtful and insightful responses. we received. A variety of changes have been made throughout the book with the Eighth Edition.
The summary of the ACM Code of Ethics was changed in Chapter 4 to be a more representative set of guidelines. The laptop specification in Chapter 5 was completely updated with the corresponding changes throughout the discussion of hardware and software components, including an up-to-date emphasis on solid-state disks.
Three new sections were added to Chapter 12: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain (moved from Chapter 17 and updated), and NFTs.
In Chapter 17, the section on Fingerprint Analysis was updated to include Facial Recognition and a new section on Two-Factor Authentication was added.
In addition, the special features throughout the book have been revised and augmented. The "Ethical Issues" sections at the end of each chapter have been brought up to date, addressing the ever-changing state of those issues. Several "Did You Know?" sidebars have been updated. Finally, the biographical sketches throughout the book have been updated.
As with each edition, the entire text has been reviewed for opportunities to improve the coverage, presentation, and examples used. Updated (and sometimes streamlined) text throughout the book helps to clarify the topics presented.
●Updated to latest AP CS Principles
●New section on cryptocurrency
●Expanded coverage of blockchain, cybersecurity attacks, and e-commerce
●Navigate Advantage includes the following student resources: Supplemental programming chapters, animations, and additional Study Aids (Flash cards, Practice Quizzes, Learning Objectives, Lecture Outlines)
●Cloud Desktop and companion lab exercises are available on Navigate, which include 23 different lab exercises on topics such as programming, databases, networking, and more
●Instructor resources include answers to-text questions, slides in PowerPoint, Test Bank and AP CS Principles Mapping Guide
Nell Dale, PhD - University of Texas, Austin
Nell Dale received a B.S. in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of Houston, a M.A. in Mathematics, from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. Nell Dale has been on the faculty at the University of Texas, Austin since 1975. She teaches occasionally but concentrates on computer science education, writing, traveling, tennis, and bridge -- and her family of course.
John Lewis, PhD - Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
John Lewis is a leading educator and author in the field of computer science. He has written a market-leading textbook on Java software and program design. After earning his undergraduate degree, M.S., and Ph.D. in computer science at Virginia Tech, John joined the faculty of the Department of Computing Sciences at Villanova University. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the University Award for Teaching Excellence and the Goff Award for Outstanding Teaching. His professional interests include object-oriented technologies, multimedia, and software engineering. In addition to his teaching and writing, John actively participates in the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), and finds time to spend with his family or in his workshop.
Laying the Groundwork
Chapter 1 The Big Picture
The Information Layer
Chapter 2 Binary Values and Number Systems
Chapter 3 Data Representation
The Hardware Layer
Chapter 4 Gates and Circuits
Chapter 5 Computing Components
The Programming Layer
Chapter 6 Low-Level Programming Languages and Pseudocode
Chapter 7 Problem Solving and Algorithms
Chapter 8 Abstract Data Types and Subprograms
Chapter 9 Object-Oriented Design and High-Level Programming Languages
The Operating Systems Layer
Chapter 10 Operating Systems
Chapter 11 File Systems and Directories
The Applications Layer
Chapter 12 Information Systems
Chapter 13 Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 14 Simulation, Graphics, Gaming, and Other Applications
The Communications Layer
Chapter 15 Networks
Chapter 16 The World Wide Web
Chapter 17 Computer Security
In Conclusion
Chapter 18 Limitations of Computing